Caldwen, 10 miles per hex Full Map
It took me eight months to bring this map from preparatory stages to completion. (If you’re a Mystara fan, you’re probably saying, “What, just eight months?! You posted a map earlier today that took you ten years!!”) Suffice it to say, this is a big map.
It’s made up of five 18 x 12 inch panels covering Caldwen itself, plus significant sections of the neighbouring states, Osriel and Nordheim. The full map is just over 46 x 34 inches.
This is a land of mages and demons, dominated by an academic culture which always puts magic first. It’s the subject of Bruce Heard’s next book, CAL2 On Wings of Darkness.

Missing from this map (at Bruce’s request) are the wizard estates, which require a bit of explanation. (You can see a preview of this part at Bruce’s blog.) There are a few other things to add for CAL2, too.
This map was made possible by my wonderful patrons at Patreon. Many thanks to everyone who supported me during the past eight months:
Jesper Andersen, Diederik van Arkel, Azure Admiral, Hans Peter Bak, Trentin Bergeron, David Chart, Francesco Defferrari, Christopher Desmond, Joshua DiCicco, Paul Dupuis, Andrew Durston, Matthew Fleet, Andrew P Gibson, Bruce Heard, Shane Henry, Brian Isikoff, Eric Jackson, Belinda Kelly, Grégory Le Louette, Wendy Lord, Nate Mangion, Matt, Gordon McCormick, Anna B Meyer, Sverre Midthjell, Hervé Musseau, Wolfgang Neckel, Cameron Paine, Peter, Thomas Pizard, Dave Poppel, Stephen Rider, Friedrich Röhrer-Ertl, Mirco Sadrinna, Jeff Scifert, Robert Slaughter, Erin D Smale, Joshua Starnes, Kurt Stoffer, Maciej Szydłowski, Devan Sykes, Charles Tait, Sandra Tait, Greg Traeger, Robert Zaghis, Douglas Zielsdorf.
As always, I’d love to hear your thoughts or comments on the map.
There’s a lot more to come!