Lining up Brun
Just a quick one today. I noticed that I haven’t released the revised version of my Master Set world map replica, even though I made a better version two or three years ago. So here it is:

While preparing this, I decided to paste in CM1’s version of Brun, to see how well it lines up. Here’s the best I could come up with:
This is very interesting, because the misalignment was something I noticed before when trying to align the world map with the hex maps. In this case, a 2º anticlockwise rotation makes them line up almost perfectly:
The next stage is to see if CM1’s version of Brun fits the hex maps better than the Master Set world map’s version of Brun.
And the answer is… better, but still not perfect. It’s clearly going to take some manually tweaking of continents to get them in place.
Other observations while we’re at it. In this last comparison, you have probably spotted that I’ve got a mixture of 8, 24 and 72 mile per hex maps all lined up in this image. This is my master file for lining up. The 8 mile per hex maps are the main basis, with 24 and then 72 mile per hex maps being brought in only when the larger scale source is not (yet) available. It’s still under construction, but you can see the new Savage Coast trail map, linking up to the 24 mile per hex Great Waste, then to the Known World. I actually have the Known World trail map in there, too, although it was hidden when I took this snapshot.
Past the Known World, you can see the Dawn of the Emperors 24 mile per hex maps, which decide the relative positions of most of the areas around the Known World. You can see the Poor Wizard’s Almanac II version of Davania in the south, and the edge of Bellissaria in the far east, from Poor Wizard’s Almanac I.
Norwold’s position is my current best guess, based largely on Dawn of the Emperors and the Poor Wizard’s Almanacs line art maps. Happily it’s (almost?) the same as Simone Neri’s Norwold position-wise. There simply is no single official location, so this requires an arbitrary judgement call. I’m really quite glad that my guess corresponds pretty well with yours, Simone. I’m not sure yet how the coastline will work out, though.
Getting back to the world map, I’m not sure yet how this rotation business will impact on the other continents. I suspect that each will require its own rotation to get a best fit.
Davania is a more complex issue, since there are multiple sources for its position. Interestingly, none of the hex maps place it as close as it appears on the world map and CM1’s Brun map. I’ll get more into this later.
For now, Merry Christmas, and here’s to a great New Year of mapping Mystara, Calidar and other worlds besides in 2016.
16 January 2016 @ 8:22 pm
Difficult work lining all up.
It almost is like you are a mapper 500 years ago, working on all maps supplied by different explorers.
you are adventuring also in some way.
respect and continue ..please 😉
18 January 2016 @ 12:48 am
I know what you mean!
Don’t worry, I’m still working on this… Next article coming up soon. 🙂
(Sorry, your comment got caught up in moderation for some reason. I only just got the notification now.)