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  1. Eric Anondson
    24 April 2018 @ 10:58 pm

    I’ve considered squeezing this in, with adjustments, at the westernmost caravan route from Darokin to Sind, west of the lake.


  2. Greg Pratt
    24 April 2018 @ 11:20 pm

    A thought when looking at plateau placement 1: How well does it line up if you move it 1 more hex northeast and slightly rotate? So that the bump on the B3 plateau lines up with where the GAZ plateau turns north? It looks like the plateau line might be a better match overall there. Another question – how well does it line up with the X1 map? (Probably not enough detail from that scale I’m guessing, but it might be worth a quick look.)


    • Thorfinn Tait
      24 April 2018 @ 11:31 pm

      The screenshots here are of it over the X1 map.

      One hex northeast of placement 1 is placement 2 isn’t it?

      But note that the shape of the plateau varies quite a lot depending on the map. Even just at 24 miles per hex, there are numerous versions, all the same overall but varying in details and location by as much as half a hex (12 miles). So there’s not really much point trying to place it exactly at this point in the project. It’s going to be arbitrary wherever it goes.

      For a more permanent placement, I’m not sure what the best option is. I rather like what Michele did with it, although it definitely spreads it out over a drastically larger area than B3 had it in. Having Gulluvia close to Glantri and the edge of the plateau doesn’t seem terribly great an idea, either.

  3. Robin D
    24 April 2018 @ 11:44 pm

    I have battled with B3 too ( to fix it into an 8 mile hex like the Known World maps.
    Maybe my work can help, but it does not include the most south sections.


  4. Red Orc
    25 April 2018 @ 12:29 am

    I think Greg’s idea is that ‘Velders’ should be in hex 0603, not 0504, which means the headland Velders stands on will line up with where the plateau turns north; also it looks like the river will line up better with this placement, as it seems it could be a northward extension of the eastern, N-S river.

    That’s what it looks like to me anyway.


    • Thorfinn Tait
      25 April 2018 @ 8:54 pm

      But that would put the eastern part of the map off the edge of the plateau. Seems a shame to waste that bit of terrain.

      Another point is that later in publication history (1983’s Expert Set) two trails are added leading up onto the plateau. Unfortunately neither location is easy to match with Velders… They are at 0602 and 0405. GAZ3 later missed out both of these, while TM1 restored the southern one.

    • Red Orc
      26 April 2018 @ 1:18 am

      It would put the eastern Abbadon Woods outside of the line of the plateau that you’ve used on the 24-hex overlay. There will always be some discrepancies between the two, and if I’ve understood you correctly, even taking B3 out of the equation, the line of the plateau changes on different maps. I guess it’s a matter of taste. That doesn’t look to me like a very important bit of the Gulluvia map, I might be happy to lose it, to keep the shape of the plateau round Velders, or alternatively tweak the line of the plateau by half-a-hex or so on the 24-hex map so it conforms to the Gulluvia map.

      The matter of the trails is more important I think. Neither of those trails plausibly represents the road from Velders to Gulluvia and onwards. Trying to fit Velders to either looks like it means losing much more of the Gulluvia map. However, as the map with the trails also locates B3 in the eastern part of the Grand Duchy, it’s inevitable that the two maps will not match exactly! With the slightly more northerly position of Velders that I and I think Greg are proposing, the line of the northernmost trail is … ‘somewhat close’ to the road on the Gulluvia map. Closer than the borders of Thyatis anyway. But it would be much closer if one of the trails ‘split the difference’ and went up the middle river.

  5. Scott Anderson
    25 April 2018 @ 7:51 am

    It’s okay for the rivers to look like they are at different scales. Retain the integrity of the scale rather than the width of the rivers.


  6. Greg Pratt
    27 April 2018 @ 12:05 am

    Red Orc is correct in his assessment of what I was suggesting. And I concur with his thoughts on the eastern bit of the map. To add another thought regarding the trails… we’re dealing with a plateau. The switchbacks (or whatever) necessary for foot access to the plateau might only exist at certain points, such as where the trail crosses the plateau boundary. Which might not coincide with where the towns are (which tend to be close to waterways).


  7. Simone Neri
    6 May 2018 @ 12:32 am

    I agree that keeping old B3’s scale is the first and foremost option; about the rest of the details, after all B3’s is a hand-drawn map, so it’s not expected to be precise nor matching exactly with any other map.

    I’d like to drop another possibility for B3’s placement. While keeping the map scale as in the original B3 version – even if the three rivers shown in B3 clearly represent the 24-mph Glantri rivers – imagine that the three Glantrian rivers shown on the east side of the B3 map are not the GAZ3’s Tarn, Loir, and Isoile rivers, but actually the detailed upper course of the Loir alone (the northernmost river among the three). B3’s unified river course could then be moved to match the apparent source of the Loir on Expert Set’s KW map. This way the Velders’ plateau bulge will match a similar one on the Expert map, and the two trails going north-west from Glantri would connect north of Gulluvia (maybe to Mere?) and pass south of the Thundering Mountains, beyond the bottom of B3 map. This way, we’ll only lose a little strip of the B3’s plateau on the right edge of the map.

    I’ve tried this solution on my layered map, but to see if it’s a viable option Thorf’s precision would be required. 😉


  8. Magenta
    14 July 2018 @ 3:24 am

    Shift the B3 overlay in option 2: 1 hex North, half a hex East. Try it and see what I mean. The 3 branches of the river on the B3 map will then branch from the end of the top river in the gaz map.


  9. Robin
    23 March 2019 @ 10:44 pm

    Hi Thorf
    Pondering on the locations of the Castle of the silver Princess as per variant B3 sources Icame on your research here.
    Apparently you paused this research. I hope you will renew your interest here
    Have you seen Micky’s work on this matter?
    And ofcourse the PC4 nighthowlers map of the Averoigne region…this might give you information where to twist/bend /create /sove contradicting flaws in the O(orange)B3 vs X1 map as yyou explain here.

    I myself would go with your plateaux option 2,
    However I would keep both the X1 and the OB3 rivers as they are….for one simple reason; enlarging the scale brings more detail. And it would not descredit either map.
    Then their will remain only one discrepancy wheree the rivers seem to cross. I would bend the B3 river northwest to come close to the X1 yet due some unknown obstruction(hill) I would let it flow north, meeting the other rivers, flowing as they are until they meet the rivers as presented in X1
    Btw your scaling is exact…I have an original and checked.

    The problem I see in the existing AdriVarma Map ( by Francesco has shifted many location of the OB3 map.
    For example the Misty Swamp in larger on the OB3, more north, and the Moorfowl mountains are more south… This would this place the Castle of B3 not in the woods as Francesco did, but as OB3 in the mountains. Which will be consistent with the )B3 map and text; the castle is away from the rest of the world seemingly, as also described in B1-9, G(Green)B3

    Just some thoughts to ponder upon.



  10. B3 Gulluvia | Atlas of Mystara
    16 May 2021 @ 8:07 pm

    […] This is Map 6. It was published in 1981, although since B3 was recalled almost immediately, it didn’t become widely available until 2000. The updated version of this map has not yet been released. See also Appendix C for annual chronological snapshots of the area. For the full context of this map in Mystara’s publication history, see Let’s Map Mystara 1981 and Placing B3’s Gulluvia map. […]


  11. Gulluvia, 6 miles per hex (1983) | Atlas of Mystara
    9 August 2021 @ 9:00 pm

    […] Placing B3’s Gulluvia Map — the original post at Thorfinn Tait Cartography discussing Gulluvia […]


  12. Gulluvia, 6 miles per hex (1981) | Atlas of Mystara
    4 January 2022 @ 1:26 pm

    […] Placing B3’s Gulluvia Map — the original post at Thorfinn Tait Cartography discussing Gulluvia […]


  13. Becherbrook
    9 May 2024 @ 12:32 am

    The thing that’s quite interesting here, is once placed those ‘thunder mountains’ joined up with the larger mountain range to the south actually make that area a good candidate for the aptly-named Thunder Rift.


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