Alfdaín Topographical Map (Patreon)
July’s Calidar Patreon map was a big one: the Confederacy of Alfdaín!

Courtesy of this month’s patrons. Many thanks to:
Jesper Andersen, Azure Admiral, Trentin Bergeron, David Chart, Francesco Defferrari, Christopher Desmond, Joshua DiCicco, Paul Dupuis, Bruce Heard, Brian Isikoff, Eric Jackson, Grégory Le Louette, Wendy Lord, Harri Mäki, Nate Mangion, Gordon McCormick, Anna B Meyer, Sverre Midthjell, Hervé Musseau, Wolfgang Neckel, Cameron Paine, Peter, Thomas Pizard, Dave Poppel, Stephen Rider, Friedrich Röhrer-Ertl, Mirco Sadrinna, Jeff Scifert, Robert Slaughter, Erin D Smale, Joshua Starnes, Kurt Stoffer, Maciej Szydłowski, Charles Tait, Sandra Tait, Greg Traeger, Douglas Zielsdorf.
As explained on the post for this map over at Patreon:
Mountainous Fëoros in the northwest is home to many of the Elëan — winged elves whose capital is Aërin, up in the peaks of the Elëaras Range. This region also includes Pearcelsus Island and its smaller siblings, which form the northwestern extent of the nation.
In the southwest is the Kingdom of Lathraël, heavily forested and controlling most of the border with Ellyrion to the south. The people here are mostly Sherandol — forest elves — with their capital in Lathias in a clearing between the Silverleaf and Tremblethorn Forests.
Finally, in the east is the Matriarchy of Andolien, liege realm of the confederacy, home to a mix of Sherandol and Meruín elves. The capital, Mythuín, also serves as capital of the confederacy as a whole.
This map also sees the debut of a new forest texture. What do you think?
Next up: a journey through Caldwen in hex maps.