Work-in-progress: Faamahana Province
For the past couple of months, I’ve been slowly working through a series of provincial maps for the Kingdom of Meryath in Bruce Heard’s World of Calidar. The idea is to use Meryath’s hex map to add new detail and show the provinces up close in the topographical style of the Great Caldera map.
Then I will hand them off to Bruce for development, and hopefully use in a future treatment of Meryath, expanding upon the information given in CAL1 In Stranger Skies.I’ve now worked through all three of the smaller islands, so it’s time to start tackling the larger counties on Meryath’s mainland, Palatine Island. I’ve started in the east, with Faamahana Province.

I will also produce a 5 mile per hex version of this, and there may be a hex overlay added to the topographical map, too.
Here it is next to the excerpt from Meryath’s 10 mile per hex poster map.

Lots more of these to come. We just need to persuade Bruce to spend some more time on Meryath! Between Kickstarting the next book, CC1 Beyond the Skies, and starting work on CAL2 at some point in the near future, he has his hands full.
9 December 2015 @ 12:28 am
Looks great, Thorf!